

Saturday, 5 March 2016


Welcome to my blog.

I am Maansi and the creator of the products and crafts here listed on this page under the header Artfire Creations.

To give a little introduction about myself. I am a MBA graduate and a  HR professional by profession and a crafter by heart. I wont claim that I always wanted to do crafting. But I do admit that I have seen handicrafts and arts all my life thanks to my super talented mother.

Four years back if someone would have told me that I would be crafting as a hobby and also as a profession, I would have laughed. But being married to defense guy (who loves his wife making something creative) on the move and having taken a long planned break from the corporate sector it was a natural choice. Even then I would never have thought it would be such a success. But being in places where at times, options are limited and wanting viable and beautiful pieces is what prompted me to take up creating home decor items.

Why a need to start a blog?

I am mostly self learned and have learned a lot from my mistakes. Also I being a restless soul want to experiment with every form of art and craft, I have dabbled with various forms of art. But what I have found is even though you might enroll in a class you still don't learn everything. 

There are a lot of things that you would stumble upon when you do something wrong. And in my case being away from main hub of the city created another challenge - no classes available. Thus a long journey of experiments. 

My sources of learning have been my mom, who is an expert in many of the traditional crafts, a lot of books, internet and Youtube. What would we do without Youtube. Of course a few of my crafting friends have also been great help and inspiration along the way. 

So I want to share the experiment that I do, successful or unsuccessful (yes they may turn out not in the way you wanted) and then you learn something new. And I hope that this knowledge would be used by others in their own projects and learning.

I do have a facebook page where you can check out the creations I have done till now. The link is

Happy Crafting!

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